Alternate source for tape
One of the most reliable and proven technology to detect toxic gas leak. Application of Colormetric technology on gas detection has been around for about twenty over years. One of the advantage of such technology over others is that there would be evident of detection on the tape as stain are formed when there is a chemical reaction between the air sampled and the tape. Such gas leak is easily picked up even at very low concentration in part per million or even part per billion levels. Monitoring system such CM4 is able to sample 4 points simultaneously and Vertex is able to sample 72 points continuously. Such technology allow user to configure the system to detect over 30 types of different gases. Many of these gases falls in the family of Hydrides and Mineral Acids.
Using such technology capability of CM4 & Vertex are very popular in foundries of semiconductor, solar manufacturing and research institutions. The tapes are the systems consumables and are available in 30/90/120 days change intervals.
We are able to help in getting alternate source of tapes for CM4 & Vertex at very attractive price. There is no issues of compatibility as the necessary CID numbers or shades leader are provided with each tape. Customers worldwide has switched to these alternate source due to fast delivery and very competitive pricing.